Friday, 2 October 2009

Cambridge Site Link and

I've added a couple of very useful links below. You'll see the Cambridge site itself, from where you may download the handbooks which will give you an insight into the exams themselves, and also includes details about timing and what it actually is they are looking for in the tests when they are marking them. Particularly useful are the sample papers, whereby you can judge what you need to focus on to push your marks up and maybe bump your self up a grade or two at the same time.
I've also added a link to It's very useful and you'll also notice sound links so you can hear the pronunciation of words. A note on pron and accents - Cambridge does like to mix these up a bit in the listening so try and familiarise yourself to as many accents as you can. Usually students find standard American easiest, because of the movies, TV etc, with standard British not far behind, but be aware that there are loads of accents out there, and that Cambridge does make use of them in its listening exams. So try and hear Scots, Irish, Australian, Canadian, Jamaican, Kiwi (New Zealand) accents whenever you can. That would be a good start!

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