Follow the Link to get the Economist's obituary of Omar Bongo.
Above there is a crossword. Beware. It is not easy.
Here are five comprehension questions to answer:
What is the writer’s attitude to Mr Bongo? What words illustrate this?
Why was France so willing to allow the success of Mr Bongo?
What is your opinion regarding these quasi-colonial relationships between powers and developing nations? Explain your answer.
Were there any positive aspects to Mr Bongo’s reign? Why do I describe it as a reign and not term of office or tenure?
5. (4,8) Very difficult, Hard work
9. A minder for the baby
10. The amount of oil held in potentia by a company or country in the ground
11. practical, fast or handy
15. Adj - loud, audacious, uncivilised?
17. Verb - understand or grab?
18. adjective - terse and satorial. Sarcastic?
19. Verb- to move around in an untroubled air like royalty
3. Adj - Annoyed and surprised by an accusation
4. Verb in the infinitive - to corrupt, cheat or steal
6. An African cereal crop
7. A two word phrase (5,4) that means priority
8. A lover of France
12. to confuse and baffle
13. Surface paneling, often made of stone
14. An African hardwood
16. Overly favouring one's family, usually by giving jobs to them
18. A Baby's bed
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